Once upon a time, as so many good stories before have begun, I went to take a leak. I did my thing and went to the sink to wash my hands, like the upstanding citizen that I am. To my great distress, I saw that the entire sink was filled with hair: mostly stubble, but a good amount of short, manly locks that coated half the sink's interior, making it almost completely impossible for the sink to perform its primary purpose: drainage. The sink was completely out of commission, all because someone decided that responsibility and cleanliness are both overrated.
As we all know, it is housekeeping's job to clean up after all of our messes, which is why I make a pointed habit of missing the toilet and urinating on the walls. Who needs to pick up after themselves anyway, when you've got a dedicated crew of poor, unfortunate women who have to clean up after your sorry mess every single day of their career?
Moral of the story: ten extra seconds and a paper towel is all it takes, it's really not difficult.
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