(Incredible, isn't it?)
It amazed me how many people incorrectly assumed it was a Satanic symbol and pointed it out (obnoxiously loud, I might add), laughed, or reacted like an idiot. Being the socially inept person I am, I refrained from correcting them but NO LONGER. Here's a lil bit of history on this lovely symbol, but first, a song. Go look up "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Tyler, love it, adore it, listen to it again, and come back.
(off topic, just heard someone walk by my door and say "I have great taste in women!" Glad I missed that one...)
Okay, so back in the day of Pythagorus, he and his followers saw it merely as a symbol of mathematical and geometric perfect awesomeness. Throughout history, it was used as a symbol or exemplification of astrology (pointed to five planets), the elements (earth, wind, water, fire, thought/wood/etc., depending on the culture), the five wounds of Jesus Christ (both hands, both feet, head), magic and occultism (just as a side note, whenever a symbol is shown with a circle around it, it usually means there's some kind of cultic significance to it), the five senses (touch, taste, sight, sound, hearing), architecture, demonic protection, and like a billion other things. It's just a symbol. People have used it to mean several different things, some of them contradictory, but y'know, whatever.
The reason this symbol is normally associated with Satanism, because Satanists back sometime in somewhere or something did with it what they did with the cross and flipped it upside down as a symbol of perversion, contradiction, and revolt. They use it as a symbol of their religion and use it in certain practices.
(Upside down means a frown!)
(Click empty space there to see it, I can't get it to show up, sorry)
Technically, while it is a pentagram, this shouldn't be called a pentagram, since a pentagram has certain positive characteristics. It should instead be called the Sigil of Baphomet, Baphomet being a pagan god usually associated with Satan. The animal most associated with Satan is the goat, and you can kinda see the resemblance of the sigil to a goat (the bottom point being the snout, the top two the horns, side two ears). Look-a-here:
(I do love goats.)
See? Now you know the difference. Pentagram=good, baphomet=bad.
Moral of the story: for the love of me, take five minutes and look stuff up.
Very interesting. I don't know how often you check out this blog, but I would like to know where I can purchase a copy of this image. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI get alerted via e-mail every time someone comments, and I check that several times a day.
ReplyDeleteNot sure which image you're talking about, or what format you're wanting to purchase, though. If you can be more specific, I'll try to help. :0