Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Philosophy is bunk

It occured to me lately that all philosophy is BS. I mean, there're a lot of great ideas, and the world would be worse off without it, but I'm talking about modern philosophy. Y'know, the kids in their bathrobes sipping fancy root beer talking about philosophy and arguing about life... that kind. The arguing/discussing/debating kind. It's pointless. Of all the things to argue about, why choose life?

Princeton defines philosophy as "the rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics; any personal belief about how to live or how to deal with a situation."

So why do people argue about it? Life is based on perspective a lot of times. One person might belive a certain way because of what and how they've lived, but to another person, it wouldn't make any sense. So philosophy is relative. What works for one person wouldn't for another. So why would anyone waste their time talking and arguing about it?

Worse, is the teaching of philosophy. Not even an educated discussion, but someone telling you what to believe or how you should live. Funny how philosophers who call themselves "free thinkers" think their way is the best or only way to live. That's not really thinking freely... kinda narrow-minded if you ask me. Also contradictory and hypocritical.

Teaching philosophy is stupid, but teaching free thought etc. is great. If you can think for yourself, you can mold a "philosophy" out of your life and out of what you see and feel and experience, not molding your life and thoughts and perception around a pre-packaged "philosophy." Honestly, why would anyone say "Hey this philosophy is cool, I'm going to change my life around and live by it?" Why would anyone choose to live by a certain set of thoughts and beliefs?

Moral of the story: think for yourself. Learn, experience, explore. This counts for religion, too.

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