Sunday, July 25, 2010

Facebook thinks I'm bestial.

Yeah, maybe I'm taking that a bit out of context, but I do think that Facebook is under the probably misguided conception that I'm into sodomizing horses.

First they think I'm gay, now they think I'm Daniel Radcliffe's partner in crime.

Which brings up an interesting question... is having sex with horses illegal? I mean... just wondering. I'm not into that. Not really, I mean.

Y'see, the thing about Facebook is they stalk you (on the internet, you don't stalk Facebook, Facebook stalks you!) by looking at, I suppose, even your chat history. Chat was the only place I said anything about horses and photoshopping butterfly wings on them with pancakes. Never mind why.

But now I'm getting all these ads about horses, horse riding, horse buying, horse looking, horse shoes, horse mythology, horse-themed toilet seats, etc. It's crazy. Horses are cool and all, but what?

Sheesh. Put it together, Facebook. And grow up. C'mon.

Moral of the story: there is so much immorality here... I just... I can't, I can't do it.

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