Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Google Image Search just freaked me out.

So, I go to Google Image Search, and forgot I was already there and typed in "images" to start "images.google.com" see? One of the first autofill responses was "Images of girls bedrooms."


I'll let that soak in.

Creepy? Or interior designy? I don't know but I had to look. Turns out it was the latter, but on the suggested searches line there were other related searches, one of which was "images of love" (?) and another which was "images of women," which I naturally clicked on just because I can okay?

Related searches were "beautiful women" which is normal, another was "images of women in advertising," which makes me wonder who really gets online and is like "Hey, I wonder what women are in advertising today!" (answer=hopefully no one). The last one was "images of women giving birth."




Yes. Who searches for that?! That's just goofy. And dumb. Some pictures included a guy giving birth, pictures of cute babies (I'm guessing they're cute by standards, they still look homicidal to me), a fat chick in a kiddie pool, a statue, a lolcat, and some flow charts. Oh and a couple pregnant ladies. And maybe one lady giving birth.

I can't find a single point in this search that is totally wack and needs changed. That's just weird.

And to top it all off, the related search was "images of girls bedrooms" because apparently childbirth and juvenile female interior design are synonymous.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Coincidence too coincidental to be coincidence.

I'm reading through Arthur C. Clarke's Odyssey series, and on the cover of the third one, there's a picture of a dood standing next to the infamous Monolith as seen in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey.

See the monolith right behind the trippy ghost-lookin' guy?

Well, it looked to me like something very familiar. What I found was a shocking shocker too shockful to shock.


That's right. The iPod Nano (it's an old model by now I think) looks almost identical to the dark and enigmatic and possibly evil monolith.

I think this is an appropriate conclusion to come through: Apple is evil and designs its products after evil. This is too coincidental to ignore.

Moral of the story: science fiction reveals the true nature of unseen evil.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I have nothing to say.

But someone told me to post something. No, it was not me or some alternate personality, it was a real person.

So what to talk about? How about my life? Nah, no one wants to know what I did over the weekend.

How about my mom's life? No.

How about my baby girl? She wanted my birthday cake ice cream but that's not gonna happen because she's a mooch but she's soooo cyoooooooot.

How about getting rejected? Oh yeah! That happened. That was fun. Reminded me why I don't talk to people.

Okay okay this post is now about being rejected.

It sucks. That makes me 0 for 3 now which is not very good for the self esteem.

Okay post over go to bed.

Moral of the story: oh hey it's 9-11. Aw.