Friday, January 15, 2010

Experiment with Ramen --Ramen Watch: Day One

Have you ever made some Ramen soup, then put the bowl in the sink without washing or rinsing it, then noticed after a day that it was really crusty with this crap that was basically dry, seasoned salt water that comes off with a mere poke? Of course you have, because that's normal and I'm normal so I do things that are normal and don't do things that aren't normal I'm so sad.

Well, last night, I made some and, since I'd rather not die of a stroke from dumping half a cup of salt down my throat, poured out most of the excess liquid into a cup. Then I got a brilliant idea! I would leave it in the cup (shown below) and see if it froze!

(Shown beside measuring cup for better perception--see the soupiness inside, mmm)

I poked the top with a fork fairly hard, and pushed down to the bottom even, and the film on the top didn't break. That's messed up. This is gross. Awesome.


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