Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sock it to 'em

Scale of 1 to 10, how bad is that pun?
Shut up, never mind.

A couple days ago, I was doing laundry. Towels and whites (both socks and underpants, but although the title suggests it was only socks, there were underpants and a few T-shirts as well--there's just nothing logical about saying "Underpants it to 'em"). But the towels don't matter (I mean that on the most pun-related racist way possible), because they came out fine. However, when I was taking the whites from the dryer, I noticed that they were still damp--almost wet. Put them back in for another hour, no big deal. Came back an hour later, they were still damp. So, I did the only thing a man in my situation would do. Set the timer up all the way, full power. Two hours later, still damp. Timer, power. Two hours later, infinitesimally damp, but quite crispy. The heat had made them all crunchy.

Today, I put them back through a wash and dry, and it came out great the first time. But I noticed the error of my ways. The machine I had them in the first time wasn't spinning. D'OH! Silly me. I should've noticed they way the clothes were all in a pile that hadn't changed its shape.

Moral of the story: ZZ Top is the only good way to follow up Metallica. Oh, and stay in school.

Suck on that.

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