Saturday, May 29, 2010

Life Lessons with Mainerd--Fudge

Hey, there! I’m not dead, so it's time for another segment of


Now how about that? I’m still alive, I’m still learning, which, of course, means that YOU get to learn from ME! And what more do you want from life?

I mean, really. There’s nothing else as important as today’s topic, which is something very important that we all should learn about. Today is a lesson about fudge.

No, really. Fudge, man. Fudge.

Fudge is a delicious thing, but like all good things, enough of it will cause your arteries to explode. And blown-up arteries inside your body are bad, right? Right.

Fudge is probably one of the most delicious substances on the planet. Which is cool. But eating too much makes you sick and throw up. Which is not cool. I was at a graduation open house (another fun fact, stay away from those cakes, they usually taste like nothing but icing, which is gross) and there was fudge. I was in Heaven, because there were like, six different kinds and I wanted to stuff my face. But I knew I’d get sick. Surrounded by all the tantalizing fudge, I realized that I was in Hell.

I had a couple pieces and that was enough. But keep in mind, kids, in large enough doses, that which is awesome will kill you.

Moral of the story: I think this should be pretty obvious. I've only said it five times.

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