Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I have an addiction. It's very serious. Withdrawals are awful. It's not an illicit substance or anything. Just my watch.

Yeah, I'm totally addicted to my watch. No jokes here, just a serious addiction.

In one class, there's an extra credit assignment about giving up a certain useful technology for five days and writing a paper on it. So, not wanting to give this internet up for fear of losing you all (by all I mean, like, two of you) and not being able to talk to people on Facebook, and not wanting to give up my phone in case someone needs me, I thought, hey, I'll ditch the watch! Mother always says I obsess over it, so I'll prove her wrong!

So, the day I was going to start, my phone dies, and the charger is doing this weirdo thing where it decides not to work and my phone doesn't even realize it's got a centimeter of hardware in it's crack. Chucked phone and watch into a drawer, walk out of the room, and




I don't know what time it is! I'm paralyzed with fear that sends a chill to my heart and I last maybe six seconds before I run back for my watch and decide to give up the phone since it's conveniently dead.

I never realized until now how truly dependent I am on knowing the time of day. Don't want to be late, want to be early, just the comfort of knowing a few numbers on my wristwatch's face. Right now it says 3:48 but I know her like the back of my hand (Get it? Get it?) and she's always two minutes fast, so it's really 3:46. I like that. I know my day now. Not having a clock around to tell time with freaks me out.

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