Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I have nothing to say, nothing to write about. So instead of writing about how I have nothing to write about (because that's usually never funny), writing something wildly offensive in a desperate attempt to be funny, or writing about how I wish I could have a small rodent to put into a slingshot (because that... is actually... hm....)

I'm going to be writing about rodents and slingshots. I mean, wouldn't that be awesome? Take a rat, fling it around on its tail and smack it against something to dull its senses, then put it in a slingshot. Yank back and let 'er rip. Flying rodents. Like a bat, but without wings and bats aren't rodents. But they both squeak and shriek and that would be cool. Then they'd hit your little sister in the head and she'd scream and hit you and tell mommy.

Y'know, I always wanted a little sister. I thought that would be pretty cool. To have someone to stick up for and protect from douchebags, and sluts who want her to smoke and sleep with teachers to get better grades. But noooo, I got two mean older sisters and a younger brother who hates the world. Maybe I'll just castrate him and pretend I have a little sister.

Wasn't this about rats? Screw that, I'm going to bed.

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