Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I figured it out!

I've been thinking a lot lately about a lot of things, and I finally figured something out. It sorta freaks me out, but at the same time, I knew it all along. Just the realization is shocking. But anyways, during my soul searching down the tubes of my brain, here's what I learned:

I'm a masochist!


Serious, here.

I'm a masochist. Or, at least, an emotional one. I don't like burning, cutting, autoerotic asphyxiation, giving blood, walking in shoes without socks, headbutting walls, etc. etc. But at this moment, I'm upset and (get this) listening to Madonna.



But I deliberately put myself into painful social and emotional situations, deny myself happiness and pleasure, and think incessantly about depressing things.
Why, just today, this annoyingly gorgeous girl gave a speech about tea (I don't like tea, but I find myself wanting to like it--weird, huh?) and I had the perfect opportunity to talk to her and congratulate and all that, but, being the charming fellow that I am, left the room immediately after seeing this opportunity, then waited an hour on a bench for someone who doesn't care about me.

I'm stupid. Furreal.

Maybe I should start headbutting walls. Would be far less painful.

Moral of the story: look at me. Do the opposite. You'll do great.

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