Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I don't hate babies

Story: a few days ago, in the worst class in the world (World Literature taught by someone without a basic grasp of what the Engrish... er... English language is), someone said they hated it and I smiled. She asked why I was "smirking," and I said that sometimes, I laugh at things that shouldn't be laughed at and gave the example of kicking kittens (hilarious, right?). After being smacked, it was all blown out of proportion and she said I probably thought human trafficking and kicking infants was hilarious too.

So, to prove that horrifically ignorant and wrong statement wrong, I have taken a real photo of me with a baby, and we're both having a great time. See for yourself.

See? Look at how great that moment is. That kid'll cherish it forever. Oh, I know what you're thinking. That's just a bad PhotoShop!

Well, it's not! THIS is a bad PhotoShop:

The pathetic thing is, that took almost an hour to do. Go me.

Moral of the story: putting words in other people's mouths is as good of an idea as sticking your fingers in an angry rhino's ears.

Let's go shopping. Photoshopping.