Tuesday, November 3, 2009

More Possible Racism

One thing I always found annoyingly hilarious is how everything has to be politically correct in terms of discrimination. Like those pictures in school textbooks. They've got a group of people standing around, and there's always an equal amount of guys and girls (usually four people). Every single person is a different ethnicity. If that's not awkward and unrealistic enough, there's always a guy in a wheelchair, to encompany the handicapped and disabled as well! Yeah, because some kid in a wheelchair is really going to get upset and offended that the guy in his Math book wasn't crippled.

WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?! (did you say that in a dramatic stand-up voice? You should've)

I swear, my old Spanish book had less Mexicans/Spaniards than not. I just don't get it. We're becoming so sensitive about everything these days. Do people really get offended by stuff like this?

Serious question, I want your feedback.

Moral of the story: racism is awesome. Double-standards are better.


  1. Oh i was thinking the same thing the other day when i was readin my history book and they had the black girl the white boy the kid in the wheelchair and a mexican. Its like who really cares cause no one really notices!

  2. you know what else is a great example of how ridiculous this has become?
    it used to be; white people, white people, white people.
    now everything has to be uber "diverse."
    it's more offensive than lack of diversity.

  3. Woah, I'm actually getting feedback. :0 Thank you both. :D

    she_loves_you, minorities do notice, which I think is why there's such a huge push to diversify pictures in books. :0

    violette, that's actually a good point; I never really thought of that. It's almost like that "reverse-racism" thing. :0

    Diversity is good, radical diversity splattered everywhere is not.
